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Inventing Anna: The tale of a fake heiress, Mar-a-Lago and an FBI investigation


Little information is public about Ms. Yashchyshyn, who once worked for a suburban Miami business that specializes in providing pregnant Russian mothers the option to have their babies in the U.S. to gain citizenship, court records show.

But when a bitter court dispute erupted last year between her and a close associate with whom she once lived, the details of her whirlwind trips to Mar-a-Lago and other activities over the past several years began to surface and soon reached the attention of federal agents.

Valeriy Tarasenko, 44, a Florida businessman who was raised in Moscow, said he met Ms. Yashchyshyn in 2014 and allowed her to live in his Miami condo so that she would watch his children when he traveled on business.

They have since parted ways over what he alleged was her abuse of one of his children – accusations that Ms. Yashchyshyn vehemently denies.

He said he has met twice with FBI agents and spoke to them about multiple trips she made to Mar-a-Lago and what he claims were her efforts to make inroads in the Trump family and look for new streams of money.

She used “her fake identity as Anna de Rothschild to gain access to and build relationships with U.S. politician[s], including but not limited to Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Eric Greitens,” he said in a court affidavit in Miami.


Donald J. Trump as President in 2017. (Carolyn Kaster/Associated Press)


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a Trump supporter, in 2020. (Susan Walsh/Associated Press)


Former Missouri governor Eric Greitens in 2018. (U.S. State Department)

Mr. Greitens is a former Missouri governor who resigned in 2018 after allegations of sexual misconduct. He held a fundraiser at a Palm Beach mansion last year where Ms. Yashchyshyn was invited.

Ms. Yashchyshyn, an officer in two Florida companies founded by Mr. Tarasenko — both devoid of any assets — claimed that whatever steps she took to gain money were directed by him.

“[E]very single move that I did, I’ve been told by Valeriy to do so,” she said in a deposition. “[A]fter a few incidents like that, I realized that he’s using me for his lifestyle and for his needs.”


Tatiana Verzilina, left, the former accountant for United Hearts of Mercy, promoted the charity with Ms. Yashchyshyn, but later filed a statement saying it was rife with fraud.

Ms. Yashchyshyn said that at one point when she tried to break from him, he repeatedly struck her. “Over time, Tarasenko became more controlling and aggressive over me,” she said in an affidavit.

“I am the victim right now, that’s all I can tell you,” she said in an interview.

Mr. Tarasenko, who was once detained in Moscow for carrying a police-style baton at a metro station in 1998, denied that he physically harmed her.

In 2015, Ms. Yashchyshyn became president of a Miami charity, United Hearts of Mercy — the same name of a charity founded by Mr. Tarasenko in Canada five years earlier.

The Miami entity was promoted on social media as a vehicle to help impoverished children but was actually a source of illicit funds for organized crime, according to a statement by a certified public accountant for the charity that was provided to the FBI.

After hundreds of thousands of dollars poured into the charity’s coffers two years ago, a payment processor, Stripe Inc., suspected fraud and stopped taking in money for a campaign that was supposed to help families ravaged by the pandemic.

The Post-Gazette emailed more than two dozen of the “donors” from Hong Kong, and every email bounced back, suggesting they were fake email addresses used to trick the payment processor.


A $19,100 “donation” to United Hearts of Mercy, flagged as fraud.

At the end of the charity drive, the accountant, Tatiana Verzilina, said she began to get calls from people who she suspected were from criminal groups, threatening violence and demanding the money.

The callers left “voice messages from unknown numbers with accents that if I do not return money, I and my family will be harmed or killed,” she wrote in her statement.

Though the charity was supposed to disclose its revenues to the public because of the amount of funds it took in, it failed to do so. Ms. Verzilina, who is now living in her native Russia, declined to talk about the case.

So far, it’s not clear where the funds went.

The FBI in Miami said it would not comment, but at least three people who live in South Florida said they have been interviewed by FBI agents in the past seven months about Ms. Yashchyshyn’s activities.

One of them, Sergey Golubev, a Russian-born U.S. citizen who was once married to Ms. Yashchyshyn, said they wed in 2011 so she could obtain U.S. residency and stay in the country, but the marriage was only on paper.

“At some point, she needed a permanent green card,” said Mr. Golubev, 48.

He said the FBI told him that agents were looking for her in connection with allegations about something “illegal — cheating people and stealing money,” but he said he didn’t know any details, and was unaware of her activities. He said he lost touch with her after their divorce in 2016.

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Self-pity of trucker’s daughter who posed as Rothschild to meet Trump


Published: 06:47 BST, 27 August 2022 | Updated: 08:15 BST, 29 August 2022

A Ukrainian truck driver’s daughter who posed as a Rothschild heiress to meet Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago has insisted she’s an innocent victim.

Inna Yaschyshyn, 33, claims she’s been framed by a former friend and business partner called Valeriy Tarasenko – and insists she didn’t raise cash for Russian gangsters through a fake children’s charity. 

Yaschyshyn told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: ‘I am the victim right now, that’s all I can tell you.

‘I think there is some misunderstanding, she added.’ Grilled about the five fake IDs – including a US passport – that saw her picture attached to the name Anna de Rothschild, she insisted: ‘That’s all fake, and nothing happened.’

But those who met with Yaschyshyn – including her former friends at Mar-a-Lago – believed her to be Anna de Rothschild, who posed as a Monaco millionairess with a Vineyard. 

She made her first visit to Mar-a-Lago with British Trump supporter Elchanan Adamker in May 2021 – and posed for a photograph with Donald Trump himself the very next day. 

Yaschyshyn also met South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham during the same encounter – and was snapped standing beside him too.  

Yaschyshyn is pictured meeting Donald Trump on the golf course at Mar-a-Lago in May 2021 – a day after she first visited the former president’s Florida country club 

Yaschyshyn also managed to pose for a photo with Trump and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, seen here in red 

 During this clip, an unseen man filming says ‘Anna, you’re a Rothschild — you can afford $1 million for a picture with you and Trump.’ Yaschyshyn doesn’t flinch, or deny the claim

She was filmed watching Trump speak and appeared giddy with excitement to be in his presence. 

A man believed to be Adamker was filmed telling Yaschyshyn on the same day: ‘Anna, you’re a Rothschild — you can afford $1 million for a picture with you and Trump,’ as she took a swing on Mar-a-Lago’s luxury golf course.

She made no attempt to correct him, and appeared totally at-ease with the lie.  

Yaschyshyn was also snapped hobnobbing with Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is dating Trump’s son Don Jr.

The fake heiress is said to have wowed the wealthy Florida crowd with her old-money claims. 

She was found in possession of five fake IDs, including this American passport – but claims they were created by her former business partner Valeriy Tarasenko, and that Tarasenko was in control of her

Yaschyshyn was also found to be in possession of a Florida and Canadian driver’s license in the name of fake heiress Anna de Rothschild

Yaschyshyn was found to have Ukrainian and Russian passports in the name of her fake alter-ego. She was born in the Ukraine, and became a permanent US resident by marriage in 2011

Yaschyshyn is pictured right behind Kimberly Guilfoyle (center) at a Mar-a-Lago dinner in 2021

Although she claims to be a millionaire heiress, Yaschyshyn’s truck driver father Oleksandr actually resides in this modest home in Buffalo Grove, Illinois 

But it has since been revealed that she is actually the daughter of a Ukrainian truck driver called Oleksandr Yaschyshyn, who lives in a neat but modest home in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.

Yaschyshyn was president of a children’s charity called United Hearts of Mercy, which the feds believe was actually a front used to funnel cash to Russian organized criminals.

She insists she has been framed by the founder of that charity, Valeriy Tarasenko. Yaschyshyn used to babysit Tarasenko’s daughter while he was away from his Miami home on business, and claims he abused her.

Tarasenko denies her claims, and the pair are currently embroiled in a civil dispute. Neither has so-far been hit with any criminal charges.

Tarasenko told the Post-Gazette that Yaschyshyn wanted to schmooze wealthy Mar-a-Lago members for money. 

During an FBI deposition, Yaschyshyn pointed the finger at Tarasenko again, telling agents: ‘(E)very single move that I did, I’ve been told by Valeriy to do so. (After) a few incidents like that, I realized that he’s using me for his lifestyle and for his needs.’

Yaschyshyn is pictured furthest right at a charity event for her United Hearts of Mercy nonprofit, which the FBI believes was actually a front to raise money for Russian gangsters

She has also been tied to a condo development in Canada, although further details of what cops in Quebec are investigating her for have yet to emerge. 

It is unclear if Tarasenko himself faces a probe. 

The United Hearts of Mercy positioned itself as a nonprofit which helped impoverished children, but the FBI believes it was actually a front to funnel cash to organized crime gangs. 

Payment processing firm Stripe suspended donations to the United Hearts of Mercy’s purported COVID appeal.

Emails sent by the Post-Gazette to supposed donors in Hong Kong all bounced back, suggesting those donors may never have existed. 

The story comes out as intrigue continues to swirl around the August 8 raid of Mar-a-Lago over the presence of classified documents at the ex-president’s home and private club – and highlights whether those materials were secure if a fraudster was able to infiltrate Trump’s social circle. 

The Secret Service wouldn’t comment on whether they were investigating Yashchyshyn, nor would the FBI – but several sources said they had been questioned by FBI officials about Yashchyshyn’s behavior.

Canadian law enforcement confirmed Yashchyshyn has been the subject of a major crimes unit investigation in Quebec since February, the Post-Gazette reported. 

The United Hearts of Mercy was founded in Canada by Tarasenko, although it’s still unclear whether Yaschyshyn is being probed there over that nonprofit. She was also linked to a condo development in the country. 

Yashchyshyn started showing up at Mar-a-Lago last spring. The Post-Gazette reported she was first invited by Trump supporter Elchanan Adamker, who runs a financial services firm, to Mar-a-Lago for the first time in May 2021.

Yashchyshyn started showing up at Mar-a-Lago last spring, with guest John LeFevre, a former investment banker, recalling meeting her by the club’s pool on May 1, 2021 after she arrived driving a Mercedes-Benz SUV

‘It wasn’t just dropping the family name. She talked about vineyards and family estates and growing up in Monaco,’ recalled member John LeFevre. ‘It was a near-perfect ruse and she played the part.’ 

He added that ‘everyone was eating it up’ and Mar-a-Lago members ‘fawned all over her and because of the Rothschild mystique, they never probed and instead tiptoed around her with kid gloves .’

By the next day, Yashchyshyn was rubbing shoulders with Trump and Sen. Lindsey Graham at the president’s nearby West Palm Beach golf club.

The report included photographs of Yashchyshyn, Trump and Graham, as well as her in a group shot with Donald Trump Jr.’s fiancee Kimberly Guilfoyle. 

The Post-Gazette also shared images of Yashchyshyn’s various IDS – passports from the U.S. and Canada, along with a Florida driver’s license, in which she uses the Rothschild name – as well as Ukrainian and Russian passports where she goes by Inna Yashchyshyn and Anna Anisimova, respectively.  

Video from the day she met with Trump proves the ruse was in play, as a man notes, ‘Anna, you’re a Rothschild.’ 

‘You can afford a million dollars for a picture with you and Trump. I’ll tell you want. If you make the next shot, and you hit that cart all the way down there on the left, I’ll give it to you for half a million,’ he says while she hits golf balls. 

Yashchyshyn said any passports or driver’s licenses using the Rothschild name had been fabricated by her former business partner, 44-year-old Valeriy Tarasenko. 

Yashchyshyn started showing up at Mar-a-Lago in May of last year where ‘she talked about vineyards and family estates and growing up in Monaco,’ on prominent guest said 

The report of a fraudster gaining access to Mar-a-Lago comes as intrigue continues to swirl around the August 8 raid of former President Donald Trump’s (pictured) Florida home and private club 

The various IDs have been turned over to the FBI, the Post-Gazette said. 

Yashchyshyn also said she was speaking to the FBI on August 19.  

The Florida driver’s license shows an address for a mansion where Yashchyshyn never resided. 

Adding another layer of complexity, she and Tarasenko are in a legal dispute, with him accusing her of being a grifter who took advantage of older men and was abusive toward his daughter – a claim she denies. 

She claimed in court that Tarasenko was a violent criminal who previously held her hostage. 

Both had connections to a fraudulent charity, the paper found.  

Their legal battle is shedding more light on any investigation into Yashchyshyn. 

Tarasenko told the Post-Gazette he’s met twice with the FBI to discuss Yashchyshyn’s trips to Mar-a-Lago. 

In court documents Tarasenko said that Yashchyshyn used ‘her fake identity as Anna de Rothschild to gain access to and build relationships with U.S. politician[s], including but not limited to Donald Trump, Lindsey Graham, and Eric Greitens.’ 

Greitens, the disgraced former governor of Missouri, recently lost a Republican primary race to the state’s open Senate seat. 

Greitens held a fundraiser at a mansion nearby Mar-a-Lago, owned by Trump, where Yashchyshyn was also invited, the Post-Gazette said. 

LeFevre also recalled Yashchyshyn hanging out with Guilfoyle and several other Trump donors after driving people back to Mar-a-Lago from the golf fundraiser where she met Trump and Graham.  

‘We hung out at the pool, like, three or four hours, just drinking rosé and having a great time,’ LeFevre said.  

Yashchyshyn’s ex-husband, 48-year-old Russian-born U.S. citizen, Sergey Golubev, also said he had spoken to the FBI. 

He said he wed Yashchyshyn in 2011 so she could obtain U.S. residency, and subsequently divorced in 2016. has contacted him for further comment. It’s unclear why Yashchyshyn needed a green card if her father already lives in the US.  

He told the Post-Gazette that the agents were looking for her in connection with something ‘illegal – cheating people and stealing money,’ Golubev alleged. 

Eventually members of Trump’s inner circle were informed Yashchyshyn was a fraud by Dean Lawrence, a Florida-based music creative director, when he was visiting Mar-a-Lago. 

He had met Yashchyshyn in her role as president of the Rothschild Media Label, which was promoting her business partner Tarasenko’s teenage daughter whose stage name is ‘Sofiya Rothschild.’ 

In pictures, ‘Sofiya Rothschild,’ never shows her face.  It appears that Lawrence realized Yaschyshyn was a fraud while dealing with her, and busted her to Mar-a-Lago members, who quickly closed ranks. 

‘I want to clear something up with you. I want you to know that she has nothing to do with the Rothschilds. Don’t get involved in any kind of business with her,’ he told the Post-Gazette he informed Trump campaign donor Richard Kofoed and Trump campaign official Caroline Wren. 

Lawrence said of Kofoed ‘his eyes were wide open.’ 

‘He said to me, “That’s exactly who I met. She came to my house,”‘ Lawrence recalled. 

Wren ‘created a group chat’ to warn others about the imposter. 

‘What I’m trying to understand is how did they allow this?’ Lawrence said. ‘How could someone keep coming back – at that level? This is Mar-a-Lago.’  

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Germany Raids Companies that Exported ‘Dual-Use’ Chemicals to Russia


German customs officers on Tuesday raided a network of companies suspected of selling precursor chemicals to Russia that could be used to manufacture chemical and biological weapons.

Riol HQThe headquarters of Riol Chemie GmbH in the district of Osterholz, northwestern Germany.The key German company, Riol Chemie GmbH, made more than 30 shipments of chemicals and laboratory equipment to Russia’s Chimmed Group over the past three and a half years without export permits, according to documents related to the investigation. Chimmed is a wholesaler of such goods, and Russian media have reported that its customers include the military and intelligence services.

“Today, seven search warrants have been enforced in Bremen, Bremerhaven, Osterholz and Constance,” said a spokesperson for the Public Attorney’s Office in Stade, a regional district capital half an hour west of Hamburg.

“There are 50 officers on site. The operation is about alleged violations of the Foreign Trade Act,” he said by phone to OCCRP’s German media partner Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR), as the raids were ongoing.

The Public Attorney’s Office declined to comment further. But documents related to the investigation –– which were obtained as part of a collaborative investigation involving NDR, Westdeutscher Rundfunk and Süddeutsche Zeitung –– allege that Riol Chemie GmbH shipped chemicals that could be used to make weapons including mustard gas.

The documents, which were shared with OCCRP, say investigators are looking into a potential sale of a precursor for Novichok, the nerve-agent used in the 2018 attempted assasination in the U.K. of Sergei Skripal, a former Russian agent who spied for Britain. Russian security services were reportedly behind the attack, which likely killed a British woman who came into contact with the perfume bottle containing the poison.

Russian procurement records acquired by OCCRP show that Russia’s Chimmed Group was contracted by the FSB Criminalistics Institute in 2016. The FSB –– a Russian intelligence agency that has taken over many duties of the Cold War-era KGB –– is accused of attempting to use Novichok to kill the now-imprisoned Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny in August 2020.

Russian corporate registry records obtained by OCCRP reveal further links between Riol Chemie GmbH and Chimmed.

A former managing director of Riol Chemie GmbH used to be co-owner of the same Chimmed Group subsidiary that received chemical shipments under investigation by German authorities. A current managing director of Riol Chemie GmbH was previously a director of the same Russian subsidiary.

Riol Chemie GmbH has not responded to an emailed request for comment on the raids by German customs officers. Chimmed Group did not respond to an emailed request for comment.

In the wake of the 2020 attempted murder of Navalny, the U.S. Bureau of Industry and Security imposed export restrictions on 14 companies, including Riol Chemie GmbH and Chimmed Group. The bureau said at the time it was concerned about shipments containing substances that were suspected to be “destined for certain chemical and biological weapons end-uses” in Russia.

The U.S. restrictions have not been adopted by Germany or the European Union.

According to documents related to the investigation that sparked Tuesday’s raids, substances sent to Russia by Riol Chemie GmbH are considered “dual use,” meaning they can be utilized for both civilian and military purposes. Some of the chemicals may be used in water analysis, for example, but experts say that even small amounts can be dangerous.

“These are toxins that are regulated under the Chemical Weapons Convention,” said Mirko Himmel from the Research Group for Biological Arms Control at University Hamburg, adding that “these substances could potentially be used as chemical warfare agents.”

The substances were not shipped in high enough quantities to indicate that they could have been used directly for a chemical or bio-weapons program, but may have been used for starting domestic production, according to Himmel. It is common to use small amounts as a “reference substance” to compare against local production, he said.

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Biden giving political prime-time speech to address ‘extremist threat’ by MAGA Republicans


President Biden on Thursday will use a prime-time address to make the case that the political movement led by his predecessor poses an “extreme threat” to democracy as his criticisms of Republicans become increasingly pointed as November’s midterms approach.

Biden will travel to Philadelphia for a speech at Independence Hall that the White House is dubbing “The Soul of the Nation.” Officials have offered few details about the actual contents of the speech, but the decision to deliver it in prime time marks a new effort for Biden to go after what he and the White House have described as “MAGA Republicans,” a reference to former President Trump’s “Make America Great Again” ideology.

“The president thinks that there is an extremist threat to our democracy. The president has been as clear as he can be on that particular piece,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Wednesday.

“When we talk about our democracy, when we talk about our freedoms, the way that he sees it is the MAGA Republicans are the most energized part of the Republican Party,” she continued. “This is an extreme threat to our democracy, to our freedom, to our rights. They just don’t respect the rule of law. You’ve heard that from the president. And they are pursuing an agenda that takes away people’s rights.”

Presidents rarely deliver major prime-time speeches, typically only doing so to speak directly to the public about issues of major national concern. 

Biden in June gave a prime-time speech on gun violence after mass shootings at a Buffalo, N.Y., grocery store and an Uvalde, Texas, elementary school. He also gave one in 2021 to mark the anniversary of the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

The decision to give Thursday’s speech in prime time reflects the urgent nature of the threat the White House believes certain Republicans pose if they potentially win majorities, with the midterm elections just two months away.

“Because he thinks our democracy is at risk,” Jean-Pierre said Wednesday when asked why Biden is giving the speech in prime time.

“The president’s not going to shy away from speaking up, from speaking out, and it is very important for him to speak directly to the American people,” she added.

Biden has in recent weeks become more assertive in calling out “MAGA Republicans.” At a political rally last week in Maryland, Biden described the movement as akin to “semi-fascism.”

On Tuesday in Pennsylvania, Biden referenced “MAGA Republicans” multiple times as he invoked the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

“So let me say this to my MAGA Republican friends in Congress: Don’t tell me you support law enforcement if you won’t condemn what happened on the 6th,” Biden said to applause.

Some Republicans drift from Trump as Democrats warm up to Biden NotedDC — Classified material raises pressure on Garland

Jean-Pierre argued those same Republicans are pushing to take away rights from Americans, pointing to the push from some in the GOP for a national law restricting abortion access after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade earlier this summer.

Some Republicans have criticized Biden for his comments, arguing he campaigned on a pledge to unite the country and lower the temperature of the nation but is using inflammatory rhetoric by comparing conservatives to fascists.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced plans to give a speech of his own before Biden’s address. McCarthy will speak from Scranton, Pa., Biden’s hometown, about “what he has heard from the American people this summer regarding rising crime, record high inflation and other hardships brought on by the Democrats’ harmful policies.”

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Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, August 31

August 31, 10:45 pm ET

Click here to see ISW’s interactive map of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This map is updated daily alongside the static maps present in this report.

Ukrainians and the West should not fall for Russian information operations portraying the Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kherson Oblast as having failed almost instantly or that depict Ukraine as a helpless puppet of Western masters for launching it at this time. The Russian Ministry of Defense began conducting an information operation to present Ukraine’s counteroffensive as decisively failed almost as soon as it was announced on August 29.[1] Several prominent military bloggers—even bloggers who have historically been critical of the Kremlin—are promoting this message.[2] Other milbloggers are additionally promoting the narrative that Ukraine’s Western handlers pushed Ukraine to launch the counteroffensive prematurely and/or too late for “political” reasons and because the West expected a counteroffensive.[3] Kremlin media outlets have also centrally amplified allegations of civil-military conflict between Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi to bolster the narrative that Zelensky sought to conduct a counteroffensive for inappropriate political reasons whereas Zaluzhnyi assessed Ukrainian forces were not militarily prepared to do so.[4]

Military operations on the scale of this counteroffensive do not succeed or fail in a day or a week. Ukrainian officials have long acknowledged that they do not have the sheer mass of mechanized forces that would have been needed to conduct a blitzkrieg-like drive to destroy the Russian defenses in Kherson Oblast or anywhere. They have instead been setting conditions for months by attacking and disrupting Russian ground lines of communication (GLOCs), Russian command and control, and Russian logistics systems throughout southwestern occupied Ukraine. The timing of the start of the counteroffensive is consistent with the observed degradation of Russian capabilities in western Kherson Oblast balanced against the need to start liberating occupied Ukrainian lands and people as soon as possible. There is no reason to suspect that the timing has been materially influenced by inappropriate considerations or tensions. Counteroffensive operations now underway will very likely unfold over the coming weeks and possibly months as Ukrainian forces take advantage of the conditions they have set to defeat particular sectors of the line they have identified as vulnerable while working to retake their cities and towns without destroying them in the process. 

Military forces that must conduct offensive operations without the numerical advantages normally required for success in such operations often rely on misdirections and feints to draw the defender away from the sectors of the line on which breakthrough and exploitation efforts will focus. The art of such feints is two-fold. First, they must be conducted with sufficient force to be believable. Since they are feints, however, rather than deliberate attacks expected to succeed, they often look like failures—the attacking units will fall back when they feel they have persuaded the defender of their seriousness. Second, they take time to have an effect. When the purpose of the feint is to draw the defender’s forces away from the intended breakthrough sectors, the attacker must wait until the defender has actually moved forces. There will thus likely be a delay between the initial feint operations and the start of decisive operations. The situation during that delay may well look like the attack has failed.

The Ukrainian military and government are repeating requests to avoid any reporting or forecasting of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, a measure that is essential if the counteroffensive includes feints or misdirections.[5] It is of course possible that the counteroffensive will fail, that any particular breakthrough attempt that fails was not a feint, or that the Ukrainian military has made some error in planning, timing, or execution that will undermine the success of its operations. But the situation in which Ukraine finds itself calls for a shrewd and nuanced counteroffensive operation with considerable misdirection and careful and controlled advances. It is far more likely in these very early days, therefore, that a successful counteroffensive would appear to be stalling or unsuccessful for some time before its success became manifest. 

ISW and other analysts studying this war have been appropriately cautious and circumspect in announcing the culmination or defeat of major Russian offensive operations.  ISW will apply the same caution and circumspection to assessing the progress of the Ukrainian counteroffensive and exhorts others to do the same.

Russian authorities released a list of the locations of schools in occupied areas, including precise coordinates, ostensibly warning of possible Ukrainian attacks against them as the school year begins on September 1.  This announcement could be preparation for Russian false-flag attacks on schools, for an explanation of very low attendance, or for some other purpose. The Russian Defense Ministry (MoD) issued a statement on August 31 warning that Ukrainian forces are preparing to shell schools in occupied Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv, Kherson, and Zaporizhia oblasts.[6] The Russian MoD released a list of the addresses and exact locations of all schools in occupied areas of Ukraine under the pretext of “ensuring the safety of students and teachers.”[7] This statement, along with the list of schools in occupied areas, could be an attempt to set information conditions for three potential courses of action on September 1. The first, and most dangerous, may be a preparation for Russian troops to stage a false-flag attack against educational infrastructure in occupied areas of Ukraine and blame the Ukrainian armed forces for the attack. The second scenario, which is more likely, is that Russian authorities may be setting conditions to explain very low enrollment and attendance in Russian-run schools as the school year begins. As ISW reported on August 30, Ukrainian families with children have been increasingly leaving Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine as the school year approaches.[8] Russian authorities may seek to amplify the claimed threat of Ukrainian strikes against schools in order to explain low attendance levels. The third scenario is that Russian authorities could be attempting to establish a published no-strike list by identifying specific civilian infrastructure, which will later allow them to use the identified schools as military bases with the expectation that Ukrainian forces will not target designated civilian infrastructure.

Russian authorities are additionally using the start of the new school year to escalate efforts to institutionalize the elimination of Ukrainian identity. Russian authorities continued to disseminate Russian educational materials in schools in occupied areas of Ukraine. Russian-backed authorities from Sevastopol arrived in Starobilsk, Luhansk Oblast, to deliver backpacks and official state symbols of the Russian Federation to local schools.[9] The Russian-appointed head of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, similarly called on educators in Crimea to intensify patriotic programming in Crimean schools, notably to teach children about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to conduct a “special military operation” in Ukraine.[10] Ukrainian outlet Strana reported that the first lesson that will be taught in schools in occupied Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts is oriented on a lesson outline that pulls from Putin’s article on “The Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians”, his speeches on the recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DNR and LNR), and the commencement of the “special military operation.”[11] In these speeches, Putin rejected the legitimacy of Ukrainian identity, declaring that it “is entirely the product of the Soviet era… shaped on the lands of historical Russia.”[12] He also repeatedly declared that Ukraine is part of Russia and cannot be a state in its own right. The explicit link between Russian-imposed curricula in Ukrainian schools and these speeches and writings is part of an effort to erase the Ukrainian identity in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine through educational control.[13]

The G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group stated that Russian attempts to disconnect the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) would be “unacceptable,” ahead of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) delegation’s visit to the plant.[14] The G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group noted that the ZNPP should not be used for military activities or the storage of military material. Satellite imagery provided by Maxar previously showed Russian combat vehicles sheltering under the ZNPP infrastructure very close to a reactor vessel.[15]

Russian and Ukrainian sources again exchanged accusations of shelling and loitering munition strikes on Enerhodar on August 31. Kremlin-sponsored sources claimed that Ukrainian forces conducted an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) strike on the Enerhodar City Council building, and Ukrainian officials stated that Russian forces shelled the building in an effort to frame Ukrainian forces ahead of the IAEA visit.[16]

Key Takeaways

  • The Russian Ministry of Defense and Russian milbloggers began an information operation declaring the Ukrainian counteroffensive a failure almost as soon as it was launched. It is far too soon to assess the progress of the counteroffensive operation, however, which will likely be difficult to evaluate in the short term if it relies on feints and misdirection.
  • Russian occupation authorities are imposing a curriculum on Ukrainian students aimed at eliminating the notion of Ukrainian national identity, explicitly in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speeches and writings falsely claiming that Ukraine is part of Russia, and that the Ukrainian identity was an invention of the Soviet period.
  • The G7 Non-Proliferation Directors Group condemned Russian attempts to disconnect the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant from the Ukrainian power grid as “unacceptable” ahead of the arrival of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) delegation to the plant.
  • Russian forces conducted a limited ground attack north of Kharkiv City.
  • Russian forces conducted ground attacks south of Bakhmut and along the western outskirts of Donetsk City.
  • Russian-appointed officials in Crimea began “reconstructing” air defense systems to counter smaller targets in response to recurring drone attacks on the peninsula. Russian officials are likely strengthening Crimean air defenses at the expense of other theaters.
  • Zabaykalsky Krai announced the formation of the “Daursky” volunteer engineer-sapper battalion.
  • Ukrainian partisans conducted an improvised explosive device (IED) attack against the headquarters of the “Together with Russia” political organization in Berdyansk, Zaporizhia Oblast, where occupation authorities were reportedly preparing for sham referenda.

Ukrainian Counteroffensives (Ukrainian efforts to liberate Russian-occupied territories)

Ukrainian military officials maintained operational silence and have not revealed any additional details about the counteroffensive as of August 31. The Ukrainian Southern Operational Command stated that Ukrainian forces are continuing to disrupt Russian ground lines of communication (GLOCs) and are targeting strongholds and ammunition depots throughout Kherson Oblast.[17] The Ukrainian Southern Operational Command reported that Ukrainian forces have destroyed two unspecified command posts, two ammunition depots, an anti-aircraft system, a radar station, and other areas of Russian manpower concentration.[18] Ukrainian aviation continues to support counteroffensive measures and reportedly carried out 16 airstrikes on Russian strongholds.[19] Ukrainian officials confirmed striking four ammunition depots in Bashtanskyi, Beryslavskyi, Kakhovskyi, and Khersonskyi Raions (Districts) on August 30, and ISW previously reported social media footage of explosions in some of these areas.[20]

Ukrainian forces continued to strike Russian military equipment and infrastructure northwest and south of Kherson City on August 31. Ukrainian Telegram channels reported that Ukrainian forces struck a Russian convoy in Oleshky (about 9km southeast of Kherson City on the left bank of the Dnipro River) that was going to reinforce Russian forces operating on the right bank of the Dnipro River.[21] Ukrainian officials have previously reported that Russian forces have accumulated large quantities of military equipment in Oleshky.[22] Previously observed satellite imagery has shown Russian convoys consistently concentrate in one area on the bank of the Dnipro River to wait in lines to cross the river on a pontoon ferry—a mode of transportation vulnerable to Ukrainian strikes.[23] Ukrainian forces also likely struck Russian positions in Chornobaivka, located around the Kherson City International Airport northwest of Kherson City, as they have multiple times before.[24]  Social media footage shows a large smoke plume in the area of a furniture factory in Nova Kakhovka and witnesses reported hearing strikes in Kakhovka (approximately 12km northeast of Nova Kakhovka).[25] The persistence of Ukrainian strikes in central Kherson Oblast indicates that Ukrainian forces seek to deny Russian resupply in upper Kherson Oblast to support expelling Russian forces to the left bank of the Dnipro River.

Russian milbloggers provided unverifiable overviews of Ukrainian advances throughout Kherson Oblast. Russian milbloggers largely agreed that fighting persisted around five areas: east of Vysokopillya on the Kherson-Dnipropetrovsk Oblast border in the direction of Nova Kakhovka; near Olhyne and Arkhanhelske near the Inhulets River and the Kherson-Dnipropetrovsk Oblast border; near the Ukrainian bridgehead over the Inhulets River; near Blahodatne around 40km east of Mykolaiv City; and north and northwest of Kherson City.[26]

A Russian milblogger claimed that Russian forces stabilized the frontline around Oleksandrivka (about 40km west of Kherson City) and did not report any ongoing Ukrainian counteroffensives in the area.[27] A Russian milblogger claimed that Russian forces unsuccessfully attempted to advance to Myrne (about 24km northwest of Kherson City), while fighting continued in Soldatske, just southwest of Myrne.[28] A milblogger also claimed that Ukrainian forces have been expanding their successes in Ternovi Pody and Lyubomyrivka (both about 30km north of Kherson City) and noted the withdrawal of Russian troops south of Zeleny Hai (about 7km south of Ternovi Pody).[29] Several milbloggers amplified a claim that Russian airborne forces stopped two Ukrainian advances onto Blahodatne, approximately 40km east of Mykolaiv City.[30] Milbloggers provided conflicting reports about Ukrainian control of Sukhyi Stavok (about 6km east of the Ukrainian bridgehead over the Inhulets River), with some sources claiming that Ukrainian forces have retreated to the bridgehead, and others claiming that Ukrainian forces are fighting from Sukhyi Stavok in the directions of Davydiv Brid and Bruskynske (both on the T2207 highway).[31] Milbloggers also claimed that Ukrainian forces are fighting in Arkhanhelske and have pushed Russian forces from the northern part of the settlement.[32] Russian milbloggers also provided satellite imagery of craters formed after claimed Russian shelling on Ukrainian units advancing in the Petrivka.[33] Other milbloggers shared footage of a claimed Ukrainian tank detonating after Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian advance from near Petrivka in the southeastern direction.[34] NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) remotely sensed data showed fires in the vicinity of Petrivka, which may support the milbloggers’ claims.

[Source: NASA’s Fire Information for Resource Management System over northern Kherson, August 31 and Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community]

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that Ukrainian forces failed to resume counteroffensives in the Mykolaiv City-Kryvyi Rih direction among other directions.[35] The Russian Defense Ministry also claimed that Ukrainian forces conducted unsuccessful attacks around Olhyne, Ternovi Pody, and Arhanhelske, and that Russian forces have defeated Ukrainian forces in Sukhyi Stavok.[36] The Russian Defense Ministry, thus, has admitted that Ukrainian forces were able to advance to Sukhyi Stavok despite previously declaring the total defeat of the Ukrainian counteroffensive on August 30.[37] The Russian Defense Ministry did not provide any footage to support its claims. Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) Deputy Minister of Information Daniil Bezsonov called on the Russian military command to provide more footage of Russian successes in defeating Ukrainian forces in Kherson Oblast, stating that Russian milbloggers are only able to obtain a limited amount of footage from the frontlines.[38]

We do not report in detail on Russian war crimes because those activities are well-covered in Western media and do not directly affect the military operations we are assessing and forecasting. We will continue to evaluate and report on the effects of these criminal activities on the Ukrainian military and population and specifically on combat in Ukrainian urban areas. We utterly condemn these Russian violations of the laws of armed conflict, Geneva Conventions, and humanity even though we do not describe them in these reports.

  • Russian Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of one subordinate and two supporting efforts);
  • Russian Subordinate Main Effort—Encirclement of Ukrainian Troops in the Cauldron between Izyum and Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts
  • Russian Supporting Effort 1—Kharkiv City
  • Russian Supporting Effort 2—Southern Axis
  • Russian Mobilization and Force Generation Efforts
  • Activities in Russian-occupied Areas

Russian Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine

Russian Subordinate Main Effort—Southern Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts (Russian objective: Encircle Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine and capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the claimed territory of Russia’s proxies in Donbas)

Russian forces did not conduct any confirmed ground attacks along the Izyum-Slovyansk axis or toward Siversk on August 31 and continued regular patterns of air and artillery strikes in these areas.[39]

Russian forces continued ground attacks south of Bakhmut on August 31. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops attempted to advance in the direction of Vesela Dolyna (5km southeast of Bakhmut), Zaitseve (8km southeast of Bakhmut), and Mayorsk (about 20km southwest of Bakhmut on the outskirts of Horlivka).[40] Russian troops, including elements of the Wagner Group Private Military Company (PMC), are reportedly continuing to fight to take full control of Kodema, 13km southwest of Bakhmut.[41] Russian sources also indicated that Russian troops are fighting northeast of Bakhmut near the territory of the Knauf Gypsum Plant in southeastern Soledar.[42]

Russian forces conducted a series of ground attacks along the western outskirts of Donetsk City on August 31. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops conducted offensive operations toward Pervomaiske (about 11km northwest of the outskirts of Donetsk City), Kransohorivka (11km west of the outskirts of Donetsk City), Marinka (directly on the western outskirts of Donetsk City), and Pobieda (just south of Marinka along the Vuhledar-Marinka road).[43] Russian sources reported that the 11th Regiment of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) is fighting in the Pisky-Pervomaiske area, likely seeking to push the frontline further west of Donetsk City.[44] Russian troops also continued efforts to advance on Avdiivka under the cover of artillery fire.[45] Russian forces did not conduct any confirmed ground attacks southwest of Donetsk City and continued firing on Ukrainian positions between Donetsk City and the Zaporizhia Oblast border.[46]

Supporting Effort #1—Kharkiv City (Russian objective: Defend ground lines of communication (GLOCs) to Izyum and prevent Ukrainian forces from reaching the Russian border)

Russian forces conducted a limited ground attack north of Kharkiv City on August 31. The Ukrainian General Staff stated that Russian troops attempted to advance toward Prudyanka, about 25km north of Kharkiv City.[47] Local Ukrainian source Derhachi City Council also stated that heavy fighting is occurring in Tsupivka, Dementiivka, and Velyki Prokhody, which are all settlements near Prudyanka along contested frontlines in northeastern Kharkiv Oblast.[48] Russian forces launched a rocket attack on central districts of Kharkiv City from Belgorod, Russia, and continued artillery strikes on settlements to the north and east of Kharkiv City.[49]

Russian troops southeast of Kharkiv City appear to be contracting to more defensible positions, potentially in anticipation of limited Ukrainian counterattacks in this area. Geolocated photos posted on August 31 show that Russian forces blew up a bridge over the Siverskyi Donets River in Bairak, about 70km southeast of Kharkiv City, and reportedly withdrew from the vicinity so rapidly that they abandoned a tank on the southern bank of the river.[50] Several Russian sources similarly voiced concern that Ukrainian troops are accumulating military equipment in the Balakliya area, about 5km northwest of Bairak, in preparation for counterattacks toward Kharkiv City.[51] While ISW cannot independently confirm the veracity of these claims, the Russian troops holding the line between Kharkiv-City and Izyum are likely of lower quality, and Russian commanders could well seek to withdraw them to more defensible lines to minimize the risk of serious setbacks in the event of even localized Ukrainian attacks.

Supporting Effort #2—Southern Axis (Russian objective: Defend Kherson and Zaporizhia Oblasts against Ukrainian counterattacks)

The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces continued to regroup units and concentrate elements of the 3rd Army Corps in occupied Zaporizhia Oblast with the aim of resuming offensive operations on the Zaporizhia Oblast frontline.[52] It is unclear whether the Ukrainian General Staff meant that these 3rd Army Corps elements are regrouping together with the degraded units already operating in the occupied areas of Zaporizhia Oblast, or if the 3rd Army Corps units are regrouping themselves to form assault groups of their own. Elements of the 3rd Army Corps will likely operate on the eastern segment of the Zaporizhia Oblast frontline by the Zaporizhia-Donetsk Oblast administrative border given that Russian forces have made some minor attempts to advance in the area.[53] These elements are unlikely to resume advances on the western segment of the frontline because Russian forces have been undertaking defensive measures such as mining roads leading to crucial ground lines of communication between Tokmak, Melitopol, and Berdyansk.[54]

Russian sources reported that Ukrainian forces launched missile strikes against Tokmak on August 31, claiming that Ukrainian forces targeted civilian and agricultural infrastructure.[55] ISW cannot independently verify Russian claims, however. Ukrainian forces may have targeted Russian strongholds or equipment in Tokmak, which is an operationally significant town north of Melitopol and a hub of Russian GLOCs in the area. Ukrainian Zaporizhia Oblast officials also have accused Russian forces of shelling Velyka Bilozerka (within Russian-controlled territory approximately 25km south of Enerhodar).[56]

Russian-appointed Crimean officials are introducing more security measures against claimed Ukrainian drone attacks on the peninsula, likely at the expense of air defenses in other areas. Russian-appointed Chairman of the State Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov stated that the Russian military is “restructuring” its air defense systems in Crimea to deal with threats from small Ukrainian drones.[57] Konstantinov noted that the air defense system in Crimea is optimized to defend against larger air targets such as missiles and manned aircraft, but that Russian forces will reconstruct Crimean air defense to defeat smaller targets. Head of the Russian-occupied Crimea Servey Aksyonov introduced restrictions on the sale, use, or distribution of commercially available drones and pyrotechnic products until the end of the Russian ”special military operation” in Ukraine.[58] Russia will likely intensify efforts to augment its air defenses in Crimea. ISW previously reported that Russia withdrew an S-300 air defense system from Syria and may pull additional systems from other axes around Ukraine.[59]

Russian forces did not launch ground assaults in Kherson and Zaporizhia Oblasts on August 31.[60] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian forces continued to launch airstrikes near the Ukrainian bridgehead over the Inhulets River, Plonytsky Tract, and near the Kherson-Dnipropetrovsk Oblast administrative border.[61] Russian forces continued to target Nikopol with Grad multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) rockets and shell settlements in Mykolaiv Oblast.[62]

Mobilization and Force Generation Efforts (Russian objective: Expand combat power without conducting general mobilization)

Russian federal subjects (regions) are continuing to recruit and deploy volunteer battalions. The regional government of Zabaykalsky Krai announced the formation of the “Daursky” volunteer engineer-sapper battalion on August 31.[63] Contractors with the battalion earn a 100,000-ruble ($1,639) signing bonus and can earn up to 240,000 rubles ($3,934) in hazard pay.[64] Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov announced that another detachment of Russian volunteers who completed training in the Chechen Republic deployed to combat zones in Ukraine on August 31.[65]

The Russian government is intensifying its efforts to press Russian citizens into the Russian military. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported that the website of the Volgograd College of Economics and Technology posted mobilization reserve positions in its list of job openings for graduates with disabilities.[66] Magadan Oblast Governor Sergey Nosov held a meeting with representatives of the “Cossacks of the Magadan Oblast” organization on August 31 to discuss simplifying bureaucratic processes—such as medical examinations—to entice Cossack organization members to sign into contract service with the Russian Armed Forces.[67] Russian Cossack forces—notably from Krasnodar Krai—have already deployed and participated in combat operations in Ukraine.[68]

Ukrainian intelligence claimed that Russia is intensifying recruitment efforts for Moscow and St. Petersburg citizens but is keeping them in rear areas in Crimea, away from combat roles. Ukraine’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported on August 31 that Russian forces will deploy Muscovites and St. Petersburgers called up during covert mobilization to reinforce Russian military units stationed in Crimea.[69] The GUR claimed that Russian Southern Military District (SMD) Commander Army General Alexander Dvornikov decided to deploy 1,200 such personnel to Crimea to resupply existing units there. The GUR’s report states that these servicemen are not contract soldiers, will make about 5,000 rubles ($82) salary, and will not receive death benefits if they die. The GUR’s statement additionally indicates that Dvornikov retains command over the SMD despite his prolonged absence from public view.

Activity in Russian-occupied Areas (Russian objective: consolidate administrative control of occupied areas; set conditions for potential annexation into the Russian Federation or some other future political arrangement of Moscow’s choosing)

Partisan attacks in occupied areas are continuing to pressure Russian-backed collaborators and occupation administrators. Ukrainian partisans conducted an IED attack against the headquarters of the “Together with Russia” political organization in Berdyansk, Zaporizhia Oblast, where occupation authorities were reportedly preparing for sham referenda on August 30.[70] Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov reported that the Russian-backed head of Zaporizhia’s occupation administration, Yevheny Balitsky, fled to Crimea due to mounting fears that Ukrainian partisans are escalating the targeting of Russian-backed political figures in occupied areas.[71] Fedorov noted that members of Balitsky’s administration are turning themselves in to Ukrainian security services to protect themselves from partisan strikes and the potential for retaliation on the part of Russian authorities for their defection.[72] Russian-backed head of Kherson’s occupation administration, Kirill Stremousov, reportedly fled to Voronezh, Russia, for his own security no later than August 30.[73]

Russian occupation authorities are continuing efforts to coerce and intimidate residents of occupied areas in preparation for sham referenda. Ukraine’s Kakhkovka Operational Group reported that Russian occupation forces in Kherson City are deliberately creating a humanitarian crisis in order to force citizens to accept Russian citizenship in exchange for necessary humanitarian aid.[74] The Kakhkovka group stated that Russian occupiers are also distributing pensions to the elderly without their explicit consent, which fosters dependency on Russian social service payments and allows Russian authorities to gather citizens’ personal information, which the occupation administration can use to claim putative support from the locals for Russian occupation governance.[75]

Note:  ISW does not receive any classified material from any source, uses only publicly available information, and draws extensively on Russian, Ukrainian, and Western reporting and social media as well as commercially available satellite imagery and other geospatial data as the basis for these reports.  References to all sources used are provided in the endnotes of each update.


[2]; https://vk dot com/wall347260249_662349;; ; ;; ;

[3] ; ; ;; https://360tv dot ru/news/ukrainian-crisis/kontrnastuplenie-vsu-zahlebnulos/

[4] https://iz dot ru/1346652/2022-06-08/voennyi-istorik-zaiavil-o-konflikte-ofisa-zelenskogo-s-glavnokomanduiushchim-vsu; https://ria dot ru/20220817/vsu-1810206230.html; https://ru.espreso dot tv/okkupanty-rasprostranyayut-feyki-o-konflikte-mezhdu-zelenskim-i-zaluzhnym-tsentr-pri-snbo; https://newsua dot ru/news/79546-na-ukraine-soobshchili-o-konflikte-zelenskogo-i-glavkoma-vsu-zaluzhnogo-iz-za-severodonetska; https://360tv dot ru/news/ukrainian-crisis/kontrnastuplenie-vsu-zahlebnulos/







[11] http://en.kremlin dot ru/events/president/news/66181;;

[12] http://en.kremlin dot ru/events/president/news/66181


















[30] ; ;;;

[31] ; oficialniyBeZsonoV/17103;;;;; ; ;








[39];;;;;; .;











[50] ;







[57] https://tass dot ru/armiya-i-opk/15608279

[58] https://rk dot;





[63] https://75 dot ru/news/287807%20; https://75 dot ru/news/287807; https://www.chita dot ru/text/society/2022/08/31/71614832/; https://newtimes dot ru/articles/detail/220598

[64] https://75 dot ru/news/287807%20; https://75 dot ru/news/287807; https://www.chita dot ru/text/society/2022/08/31/71614832/; https://newtimes dot ru/articles/detail/220598

[65] https://grozny dot tv/news/main/50290; https://topwar dot ru/201107-ocherednoj-otrjad-dobrovolcev-proshedshih-podgotovku-v-chechne-otpravilsja-v-zonu-svo-iz-groznogo.html;


[67] https://kolyma dot ru/news/obshestvo/109968-sergey-nosov-segodnya-blagodarya-iniciativnoy-deyatelnosti-magadanskih-kazachih-obschestv-ukreplyaetsya-avtoritet-kazachestva.html


[69] dot ua/content/okupanty-planuiut-ukripyty-oboronu-krymu-moskvychamy-pitertsiamy-ta-strokovykamy.html ;

[70] dot ua/2022/08/31/u-berdyansku-pidirvaly-okupaczijnyj-shtab-pidgotovky-do-referendumu/; https://www.rbc dot ua/rus/news/berdyanske-podorvali-shtab-kollaborantov-1661941057.html; https://news dot ru/europe/v-berdyanske-podtverdili-vzryv-v-zdanii-gumanitarnogo-shtaba/; https://www.vesti dot ru/article/2917515; https://md.tsargrad dot tv/news/v-berdjanske-u-shtaba-volonterov-my-vmeste-s-rossiej-proizoshel-vzryv_615666;;;






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