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Premium Content: Brooklyn was safest from gun violence during summer months with fewest shootings and homicides

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez today announced that gun violence in Brooklyn over the summer reached the lowest levels ever.

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New trash cans specifically for pizza boxes to appear in NYC parks

NYC officials are making it even harder for Pizza Rat to enjoy his favorite meal.

NYC Parks Commissioner Sue Donoghue announced Friday that awkwardly shaped pizza boxes, which are difficult to fit into a typical city trash can without folding them into a haphazard piece of origami art, can soon be thrown out in specifically designed receptacles coming to five city parks in time for Labor Day weekend.

The boxes must be empty before they go into the bins. Parks officials said they hope to keep park trash overflow at bay by keeping pizza boxes separate from other trash.

According to Parks, separating food waste and empty pizza boxes will also lessen the food sources available to area rodents.

There are no limits to who can drop off their empty pizza boxes, but the initiative is aimed toward New Yorkers who already in a park enjoying a pizza, a spokesperson for Parks said. 

trash receptacle that holds pizza boxes, an initiative of NYC Parks
NYC Parks announced the installation of new trash receptacles for empty pizza boxes.NYC Parks

Each borough will have a park with at least one of the new rectangular-shaped bins. The initiative allows visitors to simply slide their empty pizza boxes into a dedicated container, rather thanforcingthe rectangular boxes into circular bins.

“Whether you’re relaxing after caring for your local garden, taking in a Movie Under the Stars, or just connecting with your neighbors, few things are more quintessentially New York than enjoying a slice of pizza in one of our public parks,Donoghue said.We all know that you shouldn’t try to fit a square peg into a round hole, which is why we’re deploying special trash cans just for pizza boxes to parks throughout the five boroughs.”

Which parks will have pizza box trash bins?

Five NYC parks will have pizza bins: Loreto Playground, Bronx; Saratoga Park, Brooklyn; Father Demo Square, Manhattan; Sobelsohn Playground, Queens; and Jennifer’s Playground, Staten Island.

The bins, designed in-house by the Parks Department, are reminiscent of the classic red-and-white checkered tablecloths so often found in traditional NYC pizza joints and Italian restaurants.

Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi, who supports the initiative, attacked Pizza Rat personally while crediting NYC Mayor Eric Adams.

“Pizza Rat will find no quarter in city parks soon enough, thanks to these pizza-ready trash cans,Joshi said.This is yet another creative way the Adams administration is improving quality of life for people, not pests.” 

Likely to Pizza Rat’s dismay, a pizza box bin program was piloted in Central Park this summer. Margaret Asaro, vice president for park maintenance and facilities at the Central Park Conservancy, said the program showed success withfewer jammed trash bins and surrounding litter.

She also said there was more recycled cardboard. (According to the Department of Sanitation,lightly soiledpizza boxes can be recycled.)

“As we work to expand the pilot program to more locations in Central Park, we applaud our partners in NYC Parks who are deploying these pizza bins to parks throughout the city. We will continue to work together to share knowledge and findings to keep New York’s public parks clean.”

The pizza box announcement follows other initiatives that were launched recently to tackle trash in the Big Apple, including the city’s mandatory composting service, which goes into effect the week of Oct. 6.

The Parks spokespersons said the agency is “excited to see how New Yorkers engage with the bins.” He added nothing will be ruled out in terms of expanding the initiative to more locations.

Pizza Rat was unavailable for comment on this story.

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Cartoon Sketchbook: August 30

The post Cartoon Sketchbook: August 30 appeared first on Brooklyn Eagle.

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October Surprise 2024 may be pro-Trump and negative for the US Democrats. It might relate to Durov’s arrest, subsequent elective decryption, and the release of the damaging information on Trump’s opponents, a la the TelegramGate in Puerto Rico in 2019.

October Surprise 2024 may be pro-Trump and negative for the US Democrats.  It might relate to Durov’s arrest, subsequent elective decryption, and the release of the damaging information on Trump’s opponents, a la the TelegramGate in Puerto Rico in 2019. 

October Surprise – OpenStage Theatre & Company

The News And Times Blog

October Surprise 2024 may be pro-Trump and negative for the US Democrats. It might relate to Durov’s arrest, subsequent elective decryption, and the release of the damaging information on Trump’s opponents, a la the TelegramGate in Puerto Rico in 2019.

October Surprise 2024 may be pro-Trump and negative for the US Democrats.  It might relate to Durov’s arrest, subsequent elective decryption, and the release of the damaging information on Trump’s opponents, a la the TelegramGate in Puerto Rico in 2019. 

October Surprise – OpenStage Theatre & Company


Only an ‘October Surprise’ can swing the presidential election

It remains to be seen whether or not President Biden remains the Democrats’ nominee for president, amid growing calls to replace him atop the ticket. But at this moment, the race is frozen in place. 
Indeed, Donald Trump’s lead in national polling — now sitting at 3 points (47 percent to 44 perce
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Only an ‘October Surprise’ can swing the presidential election

shared this story
from The Hill News.

It remains to be seen whether or not President Biden remains the Democrats’ nominee for president, amid growing calls to replace him atop the ticket. But at this moment, the race is frozen in place. 

Indeed, Donald Trump’s lead in national polling — now sitting at 3 points (47 percent to 44 percent) per the RealClearPolitics polling average — has remained remarkably consistent for months. This is true even after Biden’s disastrous debate performance and the discontent it engendered among Democrats.  

Since last November, the race has been stubbornly rangebound, with Trump’s lead over Biden consistently within a 1 to 4-point range, per RealClearPolitics moving averages. 

Moreover, even if Vice President Kamala Harris were to replace Biden, polls show there would be no significant movement. Trump’s lead over Harris, sitting at 3 points (48 percent to 45 percent), is identical to the former president’s lead over Biden.  

Put another way, the debate — and the last 18 months of campaigning — did little to alter national polling in a race that is frankly stuck, due almost entirely to the fact that both Biden and Trump are so well known, and our country is extraordinarily polarized. 

What, then, could cause a decisive shift in Biden or Trump’s favor? Quite simply, the answer is an outside event. Or, as it’s otherwise known, an October Surprise. 

To that end, given that Biden’s and Trump’s strengths and weaknesses are familiar to voters, it is more likely that a truly pivotal October Surprise comes in the form of a foreign policy development that either drastically helps or harms Biden.  

For Biden, this might be the only way he can change a situation where he leads in only one of the 13 most recent major polls

Biden appears to recognize that an October Surprise, handled well, would be decisive. During Thursday’s press conference concluding the NATO summit, he spent much of the time on foreign policy, setting up for a breakthrough in either Asia, Europe, or the Middle East. 

In particular, the war between Israel and Hamas could end, potentially even as part of a larger regional peace deal between Israel and Saudi Arabia. That would be considerably more monumental than when Trump orchestrated the Abraham Accords in the final days before the 2020 election.

As the Washington Post reported on Wednesday, there appears to be a breakthrough on a temporary cease-fire in Gaza that may turn permanent. While this is no guarantee, if Biden were able to secure a stop in the fighting that lasted through the fall, it would be a significant boost for his embattled campaign.   

However, events could go the other way. The war could escalate with the outbreak of a true second front in Lebanon, given Hezbollah’s repeated attacks on Israel. If a full-scale war breaks out, particularly if Iran intervenes on behalf of Hezbollah, the U.S. may be drawn into a direct conflict with Iran and a significant war in the Middle East, for which Biden would be held responsible.

At the same time, events in Asia could quickly spiral out of control if China or even North Korea thinks it would face less resistance to an invasion of Taiwan or South Korea, respectively, under a weakened Biden than under Trump.  

All of this is to say that if there is a major geopolitical crisis, Biden will play an outsized role. If he rises to the occasion, it will do more to address concerns over his fitness than virtually any press conference or campaign rally ever could.  

Conversely, if Americans feel that Biden’s perceived weakness led to increased geopolitical chaos, it may be the nail in his campaign’s coffin. 

The first significant “October Surprise” that I remember came more than six decades ago. In October 1962, former President John F. Kennedy narrowly avoided what could have been a nuclear Holocaust by diffusing the Cuban Missile Crisis, giving Democrats momentum ahead of that year’s midterms. 

However, it is often hard to tell whether or not an October Surprise is truly a “game changer.” It is usually unclear how voters will react, regardless of what the event is. 

Most notably, the 2016 and 2020 elections had events that all could have been considered decisive October Surprises, yet only one is considered to have swayed an election. 

October 2016 saw two bombshells just days apart, with the release of the now infamous Access Hollywood tape featuring former President Donald Trump and then at the end of the month — 11 days before the election — then-FBI director James Comey informed Congress that the FBI was again looking into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. 

As FiveThirtyEight noted shortly after the 2016 election, immediately before the Comey Letter, Clinton had a sizable 6 point lead over Trump. Within a week of its release, her lead had been cut in half. In the “average swing state,” Clinton’s edge declined from roughly 5 points to under 2 points in the same period. 

At the same time, the Access Hollywood tape — which may have assumed would be the decisive surprise — was relegated to the background.  

Similarly, in 2020, the Trump campaign surely hoped that the revelations surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop would be the decisive shock when the story broke that October, yet it made no difference in the end. 

As the race stands right now, Trump is the clear favorite. Even if national polling shows a race that has moved little, swing state polling underscores that conclusion.  

Yet there are nearly four months before Americans head to the polls, which is an immense amount of time in politics.  

While it is no guarantee that there will be an October Surprise, history has shown that within the closing months of a presidential campaign, the power of incumbents to shape perceptions of themselves, their ability to manage significant events and, ultimately, American public opinion, cannot be minimized nor ignored. 

Douglas E. Schoen is a political consultant and the founder and partner at Schoen Cooperman Research. His latest book is “The End of Democracy? Russia and China on the Rise and America in Retreat.” 

Copyright 2024 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Мэр Нью-Йорка Адамс выступил в прямом эфире программы «PIX11 Morning News» 30 августа 2024 года

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Brooklyn residents outraged over migrant shelter located feet away from elementary school: ‘None of us knew’ – Fox News

Brooklyn residents outraged over migrant shelter located feet away from elementary school: ‘None of us knew’  Fox News

@NY1weather: Clouds linger in #NYC after morning rain. 🌧️ @GuyBrownWeather says readings will be in the low 70s, with spotty showers possible into the evening hours. 🌥️

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